Dec 2022
Here's a simple mental hack I use to build things faster:
A lot of people are scared to commit because they are afraid of failure.
(build a company, launch a product, start a new hobby, begin a relationship).
By not committing, you don't start. By not starting, you fail anyways. Or you burn a lot of time procrastinating until taking action feels right.
Here's the mental trick I use to avoid this trap.
I reframe projects as experiments.
And commit to a goal & extremely aggressive timeline.
Experiments focus on learning, and keep failures small. Vs the grand alternative of 'build a new company', where failures are big and are linked to your self-esteem.
Just see if your experiment works. Then create a bigger experiment. And so on. Learnings compound.
This can work when building side-projects, managing small teams, and even leading massive orgs.
Reframing projects as experiments is a free ticket to get out of your own way.
And removes all excuses ahead of just taking action.